Monday, October 19, 2009

Pet Horoscope By Renske Buursma

Renske Buursma

By using the twelve sun signs, you can predict with reasonable accuracy the various aspects of your pet's personality and character. Knowing your pet's sun sign will give you a fascinating insight into why they act the way they do! Here is a guide to understanding your little bundles of fur:

Capricorn: You are organized and methodical. Getting on well with fellow Capricorns and also with Taurean creatures, you are earthed and grounded. No flights of fancy for you! You like to be fed regularly and you are a creature of habit.

Aquarius: You love to play, especially if it means getting wet! Even Aquarian cats have been known to enjoy the odd paddle. Fun to be around yet intelligent and obedient, the humans will consider you their best friend.

Pisces: You are charming and love to admire yourself. That cute flashing thing you do with your eyes can melt the hardest human heart and make them give you as many treats as you desire. You know how to look adorable.

Aries: An Arian creature is full of energy and needs to be kept occupied or distracted, at least when they are awake. Full of the joys of spring, your owner had better lock their favorite slippers away unless they want them chewed to bits.

Taurus: Sensible, slow and stubborn, that's you. You know what you like and how you like it. You like routine. You don't even like your bowl being moved two inches to the left. You can give a perfect disdainful glare. If treated well, you are a loyal and true friend.

Gemini: There are two sides to the Gemini pet. One side is the fun, playful side and the other is their secret double life! Geminis can multi-task – play, chase toys and think about which shoe to munch on all at the same time. Not to be underestimated.

Cancer: You love to play catch and be noticed. Devoted to your owner, you make a loyal and dependable friend. You can be prone to idleness and like nothing better than a long lazy snooze.

Leo: You expect to be treated like royalty. No own brand food or second hand toys for you! When displeased, you make your feelings quite clear. When pleased, you are a lot of fun and a softie at heart.

Virgo: Innocent, naïve and cute, you are full of natural curiosity. Often found pitifully waiting, trapped in cupboards or wardrobes because of your nosiness.

Libra: You are friendly and sociable and like to stick to your owners like glue. Tripping them up constantly is just your way of showing love and affection. Surely they know that?

Scorpio: Egomaniacs to a fault, these pets are however totally loyal friends to their human counterparts. If you injure their pride, they plot their revenge intricately. Never underestimate a cunning Scorpio!

Sagittarius: Pets who are Sagittarians are funny and clumsy. Bringing delight with their daft antics, they love to make you laugh and try their utmost to make you feel good.

So learn yourpet's horoscope. Knowing your pet's sun sign will give you a fascinating insight into why they act the way they do!


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