Friday, October 23, 2009

Tips When Buying Exotic Pets By George Chao

George Chao

Are the kind of person who would enjoy taking care of an exotic animal for a pet instead of a dog, cat, rabbit or any of the regular variety pets? Caring for an exotic pet is serious business, but it can also be a fun and challenging endeavor.

Exotic pets are animals that are not commonly considered pets by many. They are not your regular, every day pets. Unless your pet dog or cat belongs to a very rare species, it's not an exotic pet. Exotic pets are also referred to as non-traditional pets because they are not the kind of pets that most pet owners would have. Some of the more popular exotic pets include exotic cats, frogs, hamsters, hedgehogs, lizards, monkeys (illegal in some countries), parrots, snakes, spiders, turkeys and turtles.

Before acquiring an exotic pet, you need to be clear as to why you truly want to own one. Are you just getting an exotic pet so you can be 'cool' and show off to friends and family? If you are, it is best to forget getting one. Caring for an exotic pet demands is a big responsible, one you should never take lightly. Because you will be caring for a non-traditional pet, your exotic pet will require special accommodations, attention and food.

However, if you truly want to own an exotic pet not for the cool factor having one but for a real desire to care for one then the next thing you should do is research on the kind of exotic pet you want to have. Also, make sure that the exotic pet you are going to get is legally allowed in the area you are living in.

Below are a few more things you should keep in mind when buying an exotic pet.

* Consider how big the exotic pet you want will grow into as adult. Don't just go for an exotic pet because you think it's cute when it's still a baby. Think about its size when it becomes an adult. Remember that the larger the pet, the bigger the space it will require and the harder it may be to handle.

* Do you want an exotic pet that likes people and frequently handled? Perhaps you want an exotic pet that does not mind if it is not handled regularly.

* What kind of food will your exotic pet need? Exotic pets usually need specialized food. You need to know if you will be able to get food for your exotic food from a regular supplier. Also, consider how food would be prepared as some exotic pets require freshly prepared food every day. Factor this in your decision since you are the one who will be feeding your exotic pet.

* What kind of housing will your exotic pet need? Will a small cage do or will you need to build something to hold your exotic pet?

* Consider the cost of keeping your exotic pet alive. Exotic pets are more expensive to care for than ordinary pets. You will have to find out how much food, housing, supplies and veterinary care your exotic pet will require.

* What are your plans for the long term? Do you see yourself moving to a new place or being away for a long time? How will you take care of your exotic pet during those times when you are away?

* Do you have children living with you? Make sure that the exotic pet will be safe around kids and vice versa.

* If you have other pets in your home, make sure that the exotic pet you get is compatible with them.

* Make sure that there is available veterinary care nearby for your exotic pet.

* There are exotic pets that live a long time and may even outlive you so consider this when choosing an exotic pet.

* Consider an exotic pet's destructive tendencies. Will you be able to train your exotic pet? How much training will be required to curb your exotic pet's destructive tendencies?

* Keep in mind that there are animals that carry disease that can be transmitted to humans so take care when choosing an exotic pet.

* Avoid getting an exotic pet that can pose potential danger to your or other people's life. There are exotic pets that are aggressive and downright dangerous.


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